Bridal Bouquet


Bridal bouquet are extra special and need extra care to ensure freshness on the day.

Therefore to avoid any hiccups we recommend to make an appointment with us to discuss 1) Flower arrangement, 2) Budget 3) Flower choice 4) Care for flowers.

Keeping in mind we are in hot climate, these flowers are our recommendations that requires minimum care and are best for our hot climate:

  • Roses
  • Baby breath
  • Daisy
  • Eustoma
  • Berry
  • Crysanthemums
  • Oriental lily
  • Carnations

Bouquets will be wrapped with ribbon with no charges. Vase will be provided for brides to take home for water. It is best to collect the night before.

Other flowers can be harder to source and would usually need to be kept in cooler climate.